Joint Security Policy Group (JSPG) Mandate
The LCG Security Group was formed in 2003 and mandated to advise and make
recommendations to the LCG Grid Deployment Manager and the LCG Grid
Deployment Board (GDB) on matters related to LCG Security. With the start of
EGEE in April 2004, it was agreed that the remit of this group would expand
to meet the needs of both EGEE and LCG. From the early days there has been
strong participation by Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA with
the aim of defining common policies across EGEE, OSG and LCG. Other Grid
infrastructures have more recently joined the group, including DEISA,
SEE-Grid and NDGF. The word "Joint" describes the fact that this body
defines and maintains policy for several Grids.